For an internationalist and class politics

The dispute over the claimed territory Essequibo, has been used throughout history by imperialist powers for their own interests and by different capitalist governments in Guyana and Venezuela to divert attention from internal problems and confront the people.

The decision of the Government of Nicolás Maduro to promote a consultative referendum for next December 3 declaring this territory an inalienable part of Venezuela, represents a new break with the internationalist and anti-imperialist policies of Chávez and has a totally reactionary content, which only favours the chauvinist bourgeoisie of both countries.

Under the leadership of Hugo Chávez, the Bolivarian revolution opted for Latin American integration and collaboration and solidarity between peoples. Regarding the historical conflict over Guyana Essequibo, Chávez defended a sovereign and environmentally friendly use of the rich natural resources of the claimed territory through a solidarity agreement of collaboration between both Governments, against the interests of the imperialist powers and patriotic chauvinism of the most reactionary sectors of the army and the right of both countries.

Promoting a referendum declaring this territory an inalienable part of Venezuela represents a new break with Chávez's internationalist and anti-imperialist policies. 

Essequibo, a new pawn on the board of the inter-imperialist battle

The discovery of significant super-light oil reserves in Guyana Essequibo and its exploitation, has grown exponentially since 2015, generating multimillion-dollar profits [1]. In a context marked by the battle between US imperialism and the Chinese imperialists and their Russian allies for continental and global hegemony, this has relaunched a dispute that seemed contained for decades. The disastrous capitalist and pro-imperialist policies of both the Government of Guyana and that of Nicolás Maduro have only exacerbated the confrontation.

After failing its coup offensive through its puppet Guaidó, the US chose to take over the exclusive exploitation of the riches of Guyana, which in addition to oil, has minerals such as gold, diamonds and coltan (which were already the subject of inter-imperialist dispute at other times) and use its government as a beachhead for new offensives to regain control of Venezuela.

The general in chief of the Southern Command, Laura Richardson, has referred on numerous occasions to the richness of Guyana (and Venezuela) as a strategic objective that “we will never give up.” The Government of Guyana accepted Washington's “bear hug” to strengthen its position in the historic dispute with Venezuela over the Essequibo, allowing the entry of foreign oil companies and signing juicy agreements that are benefiting the richest while inequality and poverty continues to hit the majority of the population.

The Venezuelan Government of Nicolás Maduro, which long ago resigned any consistent socialist and anti-imperialist perspective, has opted to manage the crisis of Venezuelan capitalism hand in hand with the Chinese and Russian military and imperialists. That is why it establishes agreements with sectors of the Venezuelan bourgeoisie itself and the large imperialist multinational monopolies. As part of this policy of liquidating the Bolivarian revolution and making concessions to the bourgeoisie and the military, he replaced Chávez's internationalist orientation with a chauvinist and aggressive discourse that placed emphasis on the confrontation with Guyana, trying to divert attention from internal problems and the growing social unrest with his policies.

The decline of Washington's power in the face of emerging Chinese imperialism has been reflected in the fact that its plans to control Guyana exclusively are failing. Chinese oil companies already have a 20% stake in oil exploitation, along with the North American transnational Exxon Móvil. Recently, the Governments of China and Guyana signed an agreement that involves major investments by Beijing in the development and global security of Guyana [2].

This means that the “great imperialist game” continues, with constant manoeuvres by both imperialist blocs to impose themselves and defend the interests of their respective multinationals at the expense of natural resources and the living conditions of both peoples. And both governments gladly assume their role as pawns on the imperialist chessboard.

Recently, the Governments of China and Guyana signed an agreement that involves major investments by Beijing in the development and global security of Guyana. 

A referendum that fuels reactionary chauvinism

The call for the 3D referendum, accompanied by an embarrassing patriotic campaign emphasizing the national unity of all Venezuelans against Guyana, indicates to what extent the Government and the leaders of the PSUV have adopted the chauvinist discourse of the bourgeoisie and the nationalist right [3]. A fascist like María Corina Machado, recent winner of the primaries of the right-wing opposition financed by the US, demanded in 2011 a law that would increase Venezuela's military presence in the claimed territory and criticized Chávez for rejecting these chauvinist proposals and not making this point a central aspect of its foreign policy. Today, Machado and other leaders of the Venezuelan right-wing and far-right opposition compete with the PSUV and the Government in the reactionary discourse they have adopted [4].

For the working class of both countries and the rest of the continent, it is imperative to understand the true nature of this conflict. The chauvinist discourse of both Governments is a manifestation of their subordination to monopolies and imperialist powers in their desire to control strategic resources, exploit workers and oppress the people of the continent.

The working class and popular sectors of both countries must organize independently, overcoming the national and ethnic divisions that are used to divide us. The alternative is not bourgeois chauvinism, but to fight for a genuine socialist revolution in both countries and internationally that expropriates the capitalists and multinationals, solves our problems, and guarantees sovereign and environmentally friendly development, putting an end to wars, conflicts, and misery that this system imposes. These are the ideas for which we fight from the Revolutionary Left in Venezuela.



Guyana's oil reserves

Referendum on Essequibo: 5 questions for a free, participatory and leading people

María Corina Machado proposes defending Essequibo at the International Court of Justice   María Corina Machado and the dispute over the Essequibo: "Sovereignty is exercised, not consulted"







