
Continue the struggle to overthrow the plans of the bourgeoisie and Bolsonaro

On June 14, Brazil was experiencing the first general strike against the far-right government of Jair Bolsonaro. It was a demonstration of the strength and willingness of the working class, youth and peasants to face the attacks of the...

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New publication of the Fundación Federico Engels.

In Defense of Marxism gathers together Leon Trotsky’s writings and letters concerning the political crisis which developed inside the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), the US section of the Fourth International, in the years 1939-1940.

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Youth mobilizations against climate change. End capitalism to save the planet

The success of the European general student strike on March 15th against climate change opened a deep debate on what kind of environmental movement we need.

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The overthrow of Sudan’s dictator, Omar al-Bashir, only nine days after the fall of Bouteflika in Algeria, brought to mind the revolutionary events of 2011’s Arab Spring.  The regional capitalist regimes and the imperialist powers fear, with reason, a new wave of revolutionary insurrections, not just in the Arab countries, but in the...

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Last November several members of parliament, university lecturers, journalists and thinkers such as Silvia Federici and Justa Montero published a manifesto demanding the removal of the litigation against the self-designated OTRAS “trade/labor union”. This sector of the feminist movement, making use of an alleged defence of the rights of the...

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Now let’s continue the fight to end cuts and defend democratic rights!

The elections on April the 28th have resulted in a devastating defeat for the reactionary bloc. After years of Spanish nationalism and a furious campaign against the Catalan people and the right to self-determination, the nauseating...

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From 23rd to the 24th February, around 200 young people and workers from all the territories in Spain participated in the 19th Congress of the Student’s Union. In an electric atmosphere of struggle, enthusiasm and confidence, we redouble our commitment to the defense of public education, the rights of working women, and democratic rights, as...

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“Defeat the right in the ballot boxes and in the streets!”

Pedro Sanchez's term is over. A government formed eight months ago after the vote of no confidence against Rajoy, has been brought down by the negative vote in Parliament to the budget proposals.

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