
Stop the subordination to social democracy, we must move to opposition with a consistent left program!

Podemos’s leaders have the strategic commitment to be a  part of a future coalition government with the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez. To try to make it happen, they are taking shocking steps, abandoning...

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Millions of people are leading a genuine rebellion in Latin America. In each country, the masses face again with determination the miseries that capitalism sentence them. The loyal representatives of the roughest neoliberalism as Macri or Bolsonaro have failed in their attempts to stabilize the situation.

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The Spanish economy is entering a phase of economic stagnation which could end in another deep crisis, as most bourgeois analysts recognize. The rise of economic nationalism, its materialization in trade wars and tariff conflict between China and the US, the Brexit and the intensification of the political and economic crisis in the European...

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In the same way as arms trafficking and prostitution, drug trafficking has become one of the most profitable businesses in the capitalist system. As authentic multinationals, cartels are investing astronomical sums in the productive process, ensuring distribution at an international scale and, of course, laundering their money using the same...

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As we have seen in other periods of economic crisis and great social polarization, the right is trying to fuel prejudices in order to divide the working class by nacionality, gender or race. During the last months, by the heat of national electoral campaigns, the right and the extreme right in the Spanish State have turned worse their offensive...

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