
Neither the capitalists nor bureaucracy can solve the crisis! Build a revolutionary Left which defends the interests of the workers and poor!

On 20 May there were Presidential elections in Venezuela. According to final results, Maduro won with 6.2 million votes, ahead of Henri Falcon (a general and ex...

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Steps forward in building the forces of Marxism

The political conference of Izquierda Revolucionaria (CWI in the Spanish state) on 5 & 6 May took place 200 years after the birth of Karl Marx and 50 years after May 68, in the midst of a great social rebellion against the sentence given to the...

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On the 21st of February the whole of Argentina took to the streets. In Buenos Aires there were half a million demonstrators; among them were many workers, including sugar production workers from   the Jujuy and Salta provinces who are engaged in a struggle against job losses and plant closures that has been going on for over a...

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The earthquake catastrophe reveals the reality of Mexican society. On one side, the incapacity of the state, and, on the other side, the greed of the capitalists, who are more worried about their profits that in using their wealth to attend to those caught up in the catastrophe.

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One of the most dramatic episodes of class struggle in Central America for years is currently unfolding in Honduras. Since 2009, when the people went on to the streets en masse to repudiate the coup carried out against then-President Zelaya, we have not seen such a level of mobilisation and confrontation between the bourgeoisie and the workers,...

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Only the working class taking power from capitalists and bureaucrats can defeat reaction

On 30 July elections were held to elect members of the “National Constituent Assembly” (ANC). In the days prior to the election, US imperialism and the MUD (the coalition which unites the right and far-right in Venezuela) backed a campaign of...

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Combat the counter-revolution with socialist, not capitalist policies

On 1 May, President Nicolas Maduro announced the calling of a Constituent Assembly, “to achieve peace the Republic needs…. to defeat the fascist coup… so that it will be the people and their sovereignty which impose peace, harmony...

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