
The capitalist system is completely disrupted. The precipitation of the economy towards a harsh recession — trumpeted by the global financial institutions and their media spokespersons — is only one of the factors in the situation. On must go back to the most turbulent times of the 20th century, specifically to the thirties and seventies,...

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The Argentine president, Mauricio Macri, suffered a resounding defeat in the primary elections held in Argentina on August 11th: the Peronist candidacy led by Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner won the victory, surpassing Macri´s results by four million (12,205,885 votes and 47.79% for the Frente de todos (Front of All) and...

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The climate change has become a huge danger for the future of the planet and the humanity itself. Mass media suggest that the ecological disaster is the result of "human action", but it is necessary to be more specific: this emergency situation reflects the logic and operation of the capitalist production system that sweeps all in its way, even...

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The struggle for socialism is the only alternative for the working class!

The latest events around Brexit have placed Britain facing one of the most serious political and institutional crises in its history.

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Almost three months after the elections, the Inauguration session has represented a defeat for the PSOE leader, Pedro Sanchez:  124 votes for, 155 against and 67 abstentions which stopped him from becoming President have increased the political instability and toppled what was supposed to be a triumphant parade towards La Moncloa*.

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We need a Marxist alternative to fight for socialism

The Merkel era drawing is to a close, with growing instability and an upsurge in class struggle. This end is marked by the big established parties since World War II losing influence, and an increasing political polarization.

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Stop the subordination to social democracy, we must move to opposition with a consistent left program!

Podemos’s leaders have the strategic commitment to be a  part of a future coalition government with the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez. To try to make it happen, they are taking shocking steps, abandoning...

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