
If the 2008 economic crisis was a turning-point for the European Union, leading it into an extreme situation, the 2020 debacle might lead to its almost complete break. After Brexit and a deep and long depression, the centrifugal forces which were hardly controlled during the 2014 crisis, only at great cost, through crushing the Greek people and...

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The novel coronavirus pandemic has made crystal clear the consequences of public health cuts in Europe, and is harshly demonstrating what private healthcare actually means for the masses in the United States. But now there is a risk that Africa will become the new focus of the pandemic, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), which...

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No to national unity! Only the working-class class can stop the pandemic!

“Protect the economy, and if that means some pensioners die, too bad”
Dominic Cummings

On Easter Sunday, 12th of April, the UK reached the sombre milestone of 10 000 people reported dead due to COVID-19. The real...

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Nationalize big banks and key industries under workers control! The struggle for socialism is the only way out!

On the 24th of March the German parliament has hastily decided how to deal with the “Corona-crisis” and taken far reaching steps: with the support of all parliamentary parties apart from the...

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A programme and a party for the socialist revolution

The Coronavirus pandemic has been the accident that unveils the imperative need. All the economical , social and political contradictions that have been brewing in the last decade have now violently exploded, placing our civilisation at an historical...

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On Saturday, the 4th of April, Pedro Sanchez renewed the state of emergency laws until the 26th of April, at the same time that he declared that all non-essential work could restart on the 12th of this month-When the pandemic is far from being under control, with almost 15 000 reported deaths and 130 000 reported infected, and with the public...

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The US has already become the first country in the world with the highest number of cases of the coronavirus, and the worst is yet to come. In a country with more than 27 million people without any kind of health insurance and with a health system in the hands of private profit, it is difficult to quantify the magnitude of the disaster, but...

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The capitalist economy has entered a state of panic. Stock markets around the world have plunged in recent weeks, losing almost 20% of their value, and the price for a barrel of Brent has fallen more than 20% in a single day, a situation not seen since the Gulf War in 1991. The economic data is revised downwards every week, and the banking...

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On January 23, 2019, the imperialist government of Donald Trump launched a large-scale coup offensive in Venezuela. Relying on the right-wing and the extreme right-wing opposition and the most reactionary governments of the continent (Bolsonaro, Piñera, Duque ...), he declared the Executive of Nicolás Maduro, elected in the presidential...

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In the dawn of January 3 the United States murdered General Qasem Soleimani, a strong man in Iranian foreign policy and considered the number two of the regime after Ayatollah Ali Jamenei. Abu Mahdi al Muhandis, deputy Chief of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), the coalition of pro-Iranian militias in Iraq, also fell. Immediately, the...

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