
The US Imperialism and the EU are accomplices! Down with the zionist capitalist state!

On the past 10th of May, israeli planes started a bombardment operation in the Gaza Strip.
Since then, artillery and tanks have joined the hundreds of air raids and missiles hitting like a rain of hell-fire. The...

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On Monday, the 10th of May, israeli planes started a widespread bombardment of the Gaza Strip, killing 35 people-10 of them children- and injuring hundreds of palestinians. This offensive is part of a punishment policy against occupied territories, especially Gaza, which has led to the collapse in living conditions of the people of Palestine....

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After almost two months of protests, general strikes and massive demonstrations, the movement against the military coup in the streets does not stop. The heroic resistance of the Burmese masses is being savagely answered by the coup plotters, the selective repression of the first weeks has led to open repression in order to settle the coup once...

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The struggle for capitalist hegemony intensifies

If truth is the first victim of war, this is doubly true during a pandemic. In the golden age of information technology- in 2020 more than 4 540 million people, 60% of the world’s population, is connected to the Internet-  the censorship by the...

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The devastating crisis eroding capitalism is not the fruit of a hard-to-control pandemic. Its causes have been brewing since the last decade and are the result of the dictatorship of finance capital and its prescription of cuts and austerity. The tremendous inequality, the disappearance of the welfare networks brought about by working-class...

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After 72 hours of agonizing scrutiny, Trump came out defeated in the most polarised and most participated elections in US history. The results show that there is a deep and open wound in the biggest capitalist power in the world, and that wound keeps bleeding. Trump has resisted, but in the end was overwhelmed by both the popular uprising that...

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The struggle on the streets must be continued! For socialism, down with the murderous Piñera!

On Sunday 25 October a referendum was held in Chile to ratify the start of the process that will culminate in the approval of a new Constitution. The aim of the consultation was to establish whether the current constitution, which was approved...








