
It has been almost twelve months of war in Ukraine. Enough time to understand the fundamental tendencies of this inter-imperialist conflict and its far-reaching consequences for the class struggle, the economy and international relations.

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The state coup organised by the Peruvian oligarchy and US imperialism has unleashed a popular uprising. For almost two months, hundreds of thousands of peasants, workers and youth have taken to the streets demanding the resignation of the coup leader Boluarte and the dissolution of the parliament dominated by the right-wing and far-right that...

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The struggle of more than 100,000 railway workers in the US has once again revealed the true face of the Democratic administration. Faced with the imminent strike action in the sector, to demand, among other things, such basic rights as paid sick leave, Biden and his team have prohibited their right to strike by resorting to the anti-union...

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The TUC must call a General Strike now! Down with the Tories!

The workers' uprising that has been sweeping Britain for months has spread and intensified. The wave of strikes continues with new sectors, such as nurses, who have gone on strike for the first time in 106 years, ambulance drivers, civil...

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Capitalism is facing an economic catastrophe. Although some try to justify it with the imperialist war in Ukraine, the reality is that the war is only deepening the deep imbalances and problems that the world economy was already suffering. The economic chaos that threatens us, and of which more and more media are warning, highlights the...

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