
The struggle of the metalworkers of Cadiz has been much more than a labor dispute over an agreement. It has become a social rebellion against years of setbacks in the living conditions of the working class, precariousness and growth of poverty, and of a union policy whose strategy of waiver of conquered rights, wage cuts, and social peace has...

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A Marxist position in a key debate for the youth

That Milton Friedman, guru of neoliberalism and the anti-worker offensive led by Reagan and Thatcher, so frankly addressed the role of drug traffickers offers a clear vision of the enormous economic interests at stake in the debate over the legalization of...

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A lot of time and money has been invested in the propaganda campaign that sought to downplay the assault on the Capitol on 6 January. We heard that Trump was finished, isolated and without support in his party. With Joe Biden at the White House, the capitalists intended to lower the high level of social polarization, a danger for the stability...

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20 years of imperialist war and intervention, which led to about 250 000 deaths, have ended in a humiliating defeat for the US and its international allies. In spite of all the demagogy, neither democracy nor freedom were part of the supplies brought by the western powers to this martyred nation. On the contrary, the billions of dollars poured...

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Cuba finds itself again at the centre of the storm. Since the past Sunday, 11th of July,  with the occurrence of several demonstrations in various towns and villages, with participants, the apparatus of western propaganda has kicked up in top gear. Cuba is a dictatorship, proclaim the same people that support criminal regimes...

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Get the right out of parliament! Together for the interests of workers and the poor!

This year's national elections illustrate a historic upheaval: for the first time in the history of the Federal Republic, it seems likely that the two major popular parties - which between 1953 and the early 2000s together...

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¡Stop the fraudulent manoeuvres of the right. For a plan of action and a general strike!

Pedro Castillo, the left candidate, has won the Presidency in one of the most participated and tightly contested elections of Peru’s recent history. With 100% of the votes counted, Castillo has been given 8 835 653...

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